Contact Ginny on 0412 88 2345


The Role of Couples Counselling in Mending Relationships

role of couples

Navigating the tumultuous seas of romantic relationships is not always easy. While love is the foundation of long-term relationships, there are many headwinds that compromise our connections, creating disagreements, breeding misunderstanding and sometimes leading to separation.  However, when weathered with patience, skill and understanding, the love that brought you together can blossom once more, mending […]

Bids for Connenction to build love in a relationship and stop resentment

 Hi, it’s Ginny Lindsay from Two to Three Relationship Counselling and just wanted to talk to you today about turning towards instead of away, and what does that look like and what does that mean. So people often put out what we call bids for connection, and that might be where I’m reading a […]

Common Topics Covered During Pre-Marriage Counselling


Whether you have known your partner for many years or have an arranged marriage, problems tend to creep up over time. Pre-marriage counselling is helpful to understand your partner better, ask questions you’ve never thought of before, discuss topics you otherwise take for granted and avoid future problems. Let’s discuss some of the most common […]

How to have a secure and functioning relationship

At our core, all human beings are animals with basic needs, but we are also shaped by our own thoughts, beliefs, values, experiences, and expectations, among other influences. Then, when we choose a partner, we sometimes struggle to find common ground and develop a relationship that makes both partners feel safe, secure and fulfilled. The […]

Marriage Counselling: What to expect

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Seeking marriage counselling, whether it’s for the first time or the hundredth, can be a daunting prospect, but it doesn’t have to be. Although every session is unique, there are a few cornerstones of counselling that tend to be most productive and helpful in dealing with emotional blocks. Let’s explore a few of the things […]

The art of good communication for a thriving relationship

Even if two people have the same experience, there’s every chance that their perspectives on that experience will be very different, and that can lead to miscommunication and disagreements in relationships. Once you get into gridlock and feel almost unable to hear or understand the other person’s point of view, you’re bound to wind up […]

Staying Together Through Covid-19 Lockdown

Staying Together Through Covid 19 Lockdown

COVID-19 lockdown has presented plenty of challenges, including some specific issues facing people in relationships. Whether you’re living together, recently moved in, or currently feeling the effects of the lockdown separation, it’s possible to keep your relationship running smoothly – all it takes is some creative thinking. Being separated from your partner is tough, but […]

5 tips for a great relationship during Covid

The global pandemic makes for strange times, with many of us under various forms of lockdown, confined to home and social distancing. This has placed an unexpected, and unprecedented, strain on our relationships. Besides having to find the space to work alongside our partners, not to mention coping with the kids homeschooling – there is […]

Feelings are good to get to know and express for healthy relationship

Feelings can be difficult to handle, especially in a constructive way. While many people feel inclined to push their feelings away, the better alternative is to step into those feelings, give them a voice, and learn to express yourself effectively. When you are authentic in how you’re feeling on the inside, you’ll be able to […]