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Want to Turn over a New Leaf in Your Relationship?

autumn leaves

After the heat of the past few weeks, it’s nice to see a little coolness creep back into those evenings and early mornings as autumn beckons. As we move into a new season in the weather, we also find that our relationships shift and change with the seasons. Autumn is a time when we prune away dead branches and leaves in our gardens to prepare for new growth to blossom forth in the spring. In our relationships it can be a good time to cut back the clutter in our lives and get back to the basics of what we need to nourish and sustain love and intimacy. At From 2 to 3, I work with couples every day to keep the love and friendship alive in their relationship.

If you are feeling a bit stuck or stagnant in your relationship after the summer months, then here are my suggestions for Turning Over a New Leaf In Your Relationship.

Let Go of the Past

If you or your partner are hanging on to old arguments or unforgiveness from the past, then it’s time to let it go. Constant complaints and old resentments merely block the flow of love and connection between the two of you. Just as we throw away old dead branches and leaves, it’s time to throw away those old complaints and resentments. Of course letting go is not easy and you may need some professional support to put these old grievances in the past. Contact me at From 2 to 3 to find out how I can support you through this process.

Plant Seeds for The Future

Working as a team to create something new for the future brings couples closer together. It may be a renovation project, learning a new skill or sport or planning a dream holiday. Projecting something positive into the future that you both can share improves your teamwork and commitment, and gives you something to look forward to as a couple. Taking action together now towards something you both want can be incredibly rewarding and fulfilling for your relationship.

Practice Gratitude

Focus on what you are grateful for in your life and in your relationship. It’s very easy to slide into a negative mindset especially when you are tired or stressed. Starting off your day by reflecting on the positive qualities of your partner and your children, as well as your health or where you live, will set you up for a more positive productive day. Gratitude practices make you happier and more content with your life, which spills over in a beneficial way to your relationship.

For more ideas on turning over a new leaf in your relationship may I suggest you read my other blog articles. The Three Cs That Are Killing Your Relationship examines how complaint, criticism and contempt may threaten the health of your relationship and Is Your Inner Child Ruining Your Relationship? examines how unresolved childhood emotions may be negatively impacting your relationship right now. Both articles are packed full of ideas and strategies to help you improve your relationship. If you are feeling a bit stuck and are not quite sure what you need, then please contact me to book a session, where I can support you as an individual, or through couples counselling with your partner.

Related: Relationship Counselling Crows Nest