Five alarm bells that suggest you’re spending too much time with your partner
Are you spending too much time with your partner to the detriment of your relationship? It’s incredibly easy for couples to end up spending too much time together. This usually happens gradually due to life events, such as moving to a new area where you don’t have a social support network, having a baby or […]
Is your relationship stifling you? Here are 5 practical ways to regain some independence
It’s all too easy to fall into the trap of spending all your time with your partner – whether it’s due to the needs of parenting children, increased working from home after the Covid-19 pandemic or simply slipping into a routine where you spend more and more time together. No matter how much we love […]
Too much can be as bad as not enough: How more time apart could improve your relationship
Do you remember the first flushes of love with your partner, and the longing you felt for them when they weren’t around? Do you dream of recapturing that feeling now you live together and maybe even have children together? It’s totally normal to want to spend all your time with your partner in the early […]
Could the key to repairing your relationship be spending less time together?
Do you struggle to make conversation with your other half? Are they always around, meaning you never get a moment to yourself? Is your relationship deteriorating, with less and less physical and emotional intimacy as time goes on? It’s possible that you’ve fallen into a common trap for couples: spending too much time together. In […]
‘I want to miss you more!’ Is too much time together killing the romance in your relationship?
‘I want to miss you more!’ This phrase was uttered in a recent couples counselling session. This client’s complaint was that they and their partner were spending too much time together and it was causing their relationship to suffer. This really struck a chord: after all, aren’t we supposed to spend time with our partners? […]
The Role of Couples Counselling in Mending Relationships
Navigating the tumultuous seas of romantic relationships is not always easy. While love is the foundation of long-term relationships, there are many headwinds that compromise our connections, creating disagreements, breeding misunderstanding and sometimes leading to separation. However, when weathered with patience, skill and understanding, the love that brought you together can blossom once more, mending […]
Talking from the “I” and not the “YOU” for a healthier relationship
Hi, it’s Ginny. I wanted to share with you about talking from the I rather than talking from the you. Now you may go, “Well what does that mean?” So when we are talking from the I, we are owning the experience. And so if I was to say, “When I see you do this, […]
Bids for Connenction to build love in a relationship and stop resentment
Hi, it’s Ginny Lindsay from Two to Three Relationship Counselling and just wanted to talk to you today about turning towards instead of away, and what does that look like and what does that mean. So people often put out what we call bids for connection, and that might be where I’m reading a […]
Common Topics Covered During Pre-Marriage Counselling
Whether you have known your partner for many years or have an arranged marriage, problems tend to creep up over time. Pre-marriage counselling is helpful to understand your partner better, ask questions you’ve never thought of before, discuss topics you otherwise take for granted and avoid future problems. Let’s discuss some of the most common […]
How to have a secure and functioning relationship
At our core, all human beings are animals with basic needs, but we are also shaped by our own thoughts, beliefs, values, experiences, and expectations, among other influences. Then, when we choose a partner, we sometimes struggle to find common ground and develop a relationship that makes both partners feel safe, secure and fulfilled. The […]