Contact Ginny on 0412 88 2345


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Counselling Services in Crows Nest

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0412 88 2345

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Looking for an experienced counsellor in Crows Nest?

My name is Ginny and I’m a Practising Psychotherapist, Counsellor, and Principal Therapist at From 2 to 3. At my premises in Crows Nest our practice offers a:

I have vast experience as a therapist – but most importantly I have life experience – including a divorce and raising a child as a single parent. This means I have learnt – through hard and rewarding times, to adapt to my changing circumstances. My qualifications include a Bachelor Degree in Psychotherapy, Counselling and Human Change, and I am a Member of the PACFA – Psychotherapy and Counselling Federation of Australia.

Our practice specialises in providing relationship and marriage counselling for those taking the big step into parenthood. Located in Sydney’s Crows Nest, we are a qualified practice that uses our training and wealth of experience to aid both individuals and couples who are creating a family.

We promote open, honest discussion, breaking down barriers to communication, and encouraging stronger bonds if you are a couple.

Ready to talk?

If you are ready to talk – and get out of survival mode and into thrive mode – all you need to do is pick up the phone and schedule your consultation today. If you feel more comfortable on email send me a message and I will get back to you as soon as possible.

Call me, Ginny, on 0412 88 2345 or message me at ginny@from2to3.com.au if you are ready to talk – I am always ready to listen!

Why Counselling?

Feel a bit uneasy about the idea of counselling, especially if you have never seen a counselor or therapist before?

That’s perfectly normal. I understand that the idea of facing your issues may be a daunting challenge, but I guarantee you will find me understanding and supportive. I will equip you with the essential knowledge and skills you need to create healthy relationships (with yourself… and with others) that thrive!

My sessions give you a chance to express your perspective freely and have effective communication. I will support you, and work closely with you so we can find the best possible solution for the problems you are experiencing. Some of the benefits of my couples and marriage counselling include:

You’ll start to feel better, the relationship will not feel so hard and you can begin to move forward.

Crows Nest Counselling: My Services

I offer a range of services, including:

Call me, Ginny, on 0412 88 2345 or message me at ginny@from2to3.com.au if you are ready to talk – I am always ready to listen!

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For support contact Ginny

0412 88 2345
