Contact Ginny on 0412 88 2345


The Four Seasons of True Loving

I was looking out the window the other weekend mesmerized by the pattern of rain. It took me into a meditative like state as I watched the drops fall onto leaves seemingly silently bending them as they made their way to the ground. The sight of so many drops falling across the grass, the patio […]

Marriage and Relationship counselling – Who usually makes the call? (VIDEO)

Transcript of the video: Marriage and Relationship counselling – Who usually makes the call?  As the principal therapist at From 2 to 3 Relationship Counselling in Crows Nest, New South Wales, I work with individuals and couples that are going through the transition from a couple to a young family.  I mostly work with couples who […]

Marriage and relationship counseling (VIDEO)

Transcript of the video: Marriage and relationship counseling My name is Ginny Lindsay, and I’m the principal therapist at From 2 to 3 relationship counselling in Crows Nest, New South Wales. I work with couples and individuals that are transitioning from a couple to a family of two, three, four or more. I work basically with […]